Product information
Featured: Suffolk, VA
5 May 2025 • 8:00am (EDT) • In Person • 1540 Breezeport Way, Suite 500, Suffolk, VA 23435 • $2,550.00
Registration closes 21 Apr 2025 11:00pm (EDT)
Additional Dates
Scroll down for important information about this course!
- Consists of four weeks of online work followed by one week of classroom instruction (residency: online or in-person). Note that the online portion of the course is hosted by NILD, with graduate credit options offered through Regent University and Southeastern University (SEU). Both universities also offer Master’s Degree Programs in NILD Educational Therapy which do require a separate enrollment process (click the link for more information). *NOTE* You must register with both NILD and the University and there are fees due to both.
- Through NILD's range of courses and workshops, you can obtain continuing education credits as you seek to meet the needs of your students. Additionally, NILD Educational Therapist (PCET)! Click here for steps to certification.
- Please read the syllabus (in the FAQ section) carefully as there are required textbooks and materials that must be purchased through NILD and others that are only available from third parties.
- Registration closes two weeks prior to online start date!
- Online training and residency dates vary by course, see listing above.
Equips the beginning educational therapist with the tools used to identify and assess student’s learning needs, and prepare the beginning educational therapist to create and implement individual educational therapy plans utilizing the NILD techniques specific to educational goals for student. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to
- Demonstrate a beginning understanding of NILD philosophy and methodology.
- Describe NILD's comprehensive approach that develops learning through perception, academic, cognition and emotions.
- Explain the difference between NILD methodology and tutoring.
- Understand how reading, math and spelling can be impacted by improving cognitive functioning.
- Identify learning challenges and apply specific tools to develop and enhance thinking skills.
- Design an educational therapy program according to the strengths and vulnerabilities determined by assessment and implement an effective intervention program based on the NILD techniques.
- Begin to learn how to assess students annually.
- Develop literacy skills in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics and syllabication.
Registration closes two weeks prior to the online start date.
- Bachelor’s degree, preferably in education or related field.
- Pre-Assignments: Prior to beginning the course, observe a live or recorded NILD Educational Therapy® session. If you are unable to locate a local therapist to view a live session, please notify the NILD office at info@nild.org.
- Course textbooks and materials are required (see syllabus [in the FAQ section] for more information)
- How much are NILD courses?
The tuition cost is $2,550 plus materials. However, if you are taking the course for graduate credit or are part of a Master’s degree program, there is an additional $195 due to NILD in addition to fees paid to the university.
}}- Where can I find the Syllabus mentioned?
Please click the pertinent link below.
}}- Do I need a college degree in education to enroll?
Yes, we require a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree. A degree in education helps, but it not required.
}}- Can I get a degree in NILD therapy?
Yes, we partner with Regent University and Southeastern University to offer Master’s Degrees in Education with an NILD Educational Therapy cognate.
}}- What if I don’t want a degree but I do want graduate credit?
Not a problem. Both universities allow our students to take the course for graduate credit only.
}}- What if I want to take the course but not for graduate credit?
Not a problem. NILD has its own online platform to host the course.
}}- How do courses work? What is the structure?
Our courses are structured as follows: four weeks of asynchronous, online work followed by one week of residency either in person or virtual (spread over two weeks or three weekends depending on season).
}}- What do you mean by online platform?
The online portion of our courses is either conducted on NILD’s Canvas platform (non-graduate credit seekers), Regent’s Blackboard platform, or Southeastern’s MyFire platform. It’s just an online repository for the course work – lectures, quizzes, videos, discussion boards, and paper submissions.
}}- Who gets paid in all of this?
Participants in NILD courses register and pay NILD first. IF participants are taking graduate credit or are part of Regent or Southeastern’s degree program, there are additional fees due to the university as well.
}}- How much do I have to pay the university?
Generally, graduate credit at either university is roughly $275; however, there are also technology and library fees that may be charged. These are determined by and paid directly to the university.
}}- What happens after I have completed my Level I course?
If you complete the course successfully, you will be considered an Intern Educational Therapist and will engage in nine months of job-embedded coaching. There will be monthly coaching sessions at which your attendance is required. You will be permitted to work with students and will need to complete 100 student contact hours prior to moving on to Level II.
}}- What happens after I have completed my Level II course?
If you complete the course successfully, you will be considered an Intern Educational Therapist. You will be permitted to work with students and will need to complete 100 student contact hours prior to moving on to Level III.
}}- What happens after I complete my Level III course?
Once you successfully complete level III, you will be considered a full NILD Educational Therapist. You will be invited to certify as a Professionally Certified Educational Therapist (PCET). There are two letters of recommendation required and a $50 fee to attain this certification.
}}- What do you mean by student contact hours?
You must spend at least 100 hours providing NILD therapy with students. You can attain this with one therapy student or with multiple.
}}- Do I have to maintain licensure from year to year? What about my PCET certificate?
Yes. NILD is a professional training and licensing organization. To protect the efficacy of our techniques and ensure that all students worldwide are receiving a consistent and high-quality experience, all therapists MUST maintain a current license from year to year. This applies to Standard Licensure (for intern and full educational therapists) AND PCETs.
}}- What if I let my license lapse or expire?
We are sorry but you are not permitted to practice NILD Educational Therapy or use NILD materials unless you have a current license.
}}- What if I don’t have any students?
Call or email us. We’re certainly willing to assist where possible. You may also want to consider an Associate License which will permit you to operate in that gray space while you are trying to get more students.
}}- Still have questions?
Please contact us at 757-423-8646 or info@nild.org.