NILD In-Service Workshops
2-Hour to Full Day In Person or Virtual Trainings to Equip Educators to Meet The Needs of All Learners
Educational Support Strategies & Learning Differences Workshops
Professional development trainings to equip educators on specific techniques to better serve students with learning challenges, and better understand the impact of learning differences in various educational settings.
Educational Support Strategies
Professional Development Trainings
These professional development trainings equip educators on specific techniques to better serve students with learning challenges.
This training will explore the components that affect the ability to understand what one reads and strategies that students can be taught to help them better develop reading comprehension skills. Suggestions for how to incorporate these strategies within the general classroom will be discussed and demonstrated.
The premise that oral language directs and develops thinking processes is the subject of this workshop. Examples of how to build cognitive strengths in the classroom will be presented.
The ability to spell easily and automatically requires the skill to use a combination of knowledge of orthographic patterns and memory. This training will explore ways to enhance the teaching of spelling by developing the understanding of the orthographic patterns that exist within the English language.
There is increasing reason to believe that effective intervention can improve the way students think and actually increase their intellectual abilities. Classroom teachers will learn strategies to improve students’ abilities to connect to past learning and experience, thereby increasing cognitive competency.
This training will review research on handwriting. Rationale for teaching handwriting based upon building grapho-motor and cognitive competencies will be shared
Today’s educational mandate that no child be left behind has resulted in standards of learning that are primarily content oriented. Students are being taught in an educational system that is increasingly driven by content mastery. This session will present ideas for integration of “how to learn” in classroom settings
Linguistic knowledge is not elusive but must be directly taught. One avenue to develop critical thinking skills is to weave together essential literacy elements, rather than to focus on a single strand of language. This workshop will highlight how classroom curriculum can be used to develop critical thinking skills and linguistic flexibility.
Learning Differences
Professional Development Trainings
These professional development trainings build a better understanding of the impact of learning differences in various educational settings.
In this training participants will review the components of nonverbal communication and learn how this can be a significant contributor to social isolation and rejection.
Mastering the skill of writing tests is vital to your success as an educator. Learn how to create reliable tests that give feedback about the mastery of material as well as develop cognitive skills in test taking.
As an educator, the mindset and assumptions you possess about children and their learning will help determine when and how you work with young children. This training will examine the components of a preventive mindset in relation to learning difficulties.
No child left behind legislation has made educational professionals and the public more aware that schools should offer reading programs founded in current research related to the most effective methods of reading instruction. This training focuses on what the research is indicating and what curriculum includes and supports best practices in teaching reading.
Practical strategies for teachers to successfully differentiate instruction in order to engage student minds, encourage independent thinking, and successfully address individual learning needs within the classroom and small-group settings will be discussed.
Participants in this training will learn how to enable mathematical thinking especially by low performing students, as well as methods of intervention that address the gaps in mathematical knowledge.
Research in reading fluency has indicated that there are specific approaches to reading practice that consistently improve automaticity and fluency for students with reading disabilities. This workshop will relate the techniques to the curriculum used by your school and review and practice the methods suggested.
For more than ten years, educational researchers have agreed that phonological processing and its most refined aspect, phonemic awareness, are foundational to reading acquisition. We will discuss the implications as put forth by the National Reading Panel.
Those with learning difficulties regularly have difficulty with some aspect of language functioning. Grammar becomes an important tool to stimulate language processing. Educators must learn to use this tool effectively, understanding both the art and the science behind its powerful influence.
This training will introduce you to a program of early identification and intervention developed by Archie Silver, M.D. (child psychiatrist) and Rosa Hagin, Ph.D. (psychologist) to meet the educational needs of young learners (K-1), before they experience the frustration of learning failure.
This training will provide practical tips for teaching students how to learn while teaching specific content.
This training provides teachers with tools to help students engage enthusiastically in the study of morphemes, unlock some mysteries of the English language, and increase their understanding of many of the complex words found within the content areas as they make logical connections to meaning.
The role of memory in the learning process needs to be understood by all teachers. It is a part, not the whole of learning. In our high stakes testing climate we tend to rely too much on the brain’s ability to remember facts. This workshop will take teachers beyond memorization into new avenues of creative teaching.
Both personal and professional characteristics are needed for teachers today. This workshop will explore these needed qualities and give some suggestions for professional improvement that are practical and attainable.
We are all curious about intellectual potential. What does it mean and can it be measured? Is there a limit to what some brains can learn? Is it possible to actually increase the ability to think and reason through great teaching? Ideas will be shared regarding the innate propensity of all learners and how you can apply them in the classroom.
This session will examine the building blocks of vocabulary, fluency and reading comprehension in light of skill development and strategies for successful and enjoyable reading experiences!
Ready to book a professional development training?
Schedule a call to discuss which workshop is best for your school
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NILDinside® empowers schools to better meet the needs of all students by equipping classroom teachers and learning support specialists with the tools to educate diverse learners. This collaborative and holistic approach creates a more effective learning environment for all students.
Empower your school's learning specialists with NILD Professional Certification in Educational Therapy and licensing to offer the NILD Discovery Program. This specialized program allows your specialists to provide targeted support and interventions in your school.