Learning Challenges The National Institute For Learning Development Addresses
Helping every child develop confidence and increase self-esteem in the learning process
NILD is designed to help learners with a variety of learning differences, including:
Neurological disorder causing difficulty in writing coherently and accurately.
Executive Function Disorder
A behavioral symptom that disrupts a person's ability to manage their own thoughts, emotions and actions.
We provide a variety of resources for those working with children who have learning challenges
Educators & Specialists
Get the tools and the training you need to help students with learning challenges. Become a Professionally Certified Educational Therapist and receive CEUs to advance your teaching career.
Bring NILDInside’s Discovery Program to your school and equip your teachers to better serve families and students with learning differences.
Find A therapist who can help your child become a confident, independent learner and get training to support your child's learning.
Make a lifetime difference in the lives of students with learning differences by supporting NILD.
Providing every child a safe place to learn...
Replace this...
Children not keeping up in school
Students getting lost in the educational system
Learning challenges not being addressed at the root issue, only receiving band aid solutions
Expectations and true potential not being reached
Feelings of embarassment and frustration
With this!
Students receiving support from the best educational therapy system in the world
Children growing in self-esteem and confidence
Students learning to think independently and solve problems on their own
Children leaving the education system with the skills they need to succeed in life