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Weaving Writing Practice into Educational Therapy

Webinar Overview

Writing demands the integration of more cognitive processes than any other communication skill, so it is no wonder that many learners struggle to get their thoughts down on paper. Join us to explore ways to cultivate written expression skills while implementing NILD techniques. 


  • Summarize theories behind language and writing.
  • Explore components of written expression.
  • Discover practical applications for therapy sessions.

About Your Instructor:

Lorri Wilke, M.Ed., NILD PCET, SL/DS
NILD Professionally Certified Educational Therapist
Structured Literacy/Dyslexia Specialist
Certified FIE Practitioner & Trainer

Lorri Wilke has worked in the field of education for over 30 years. She maintains a private practice in educational therapy just outside of Chicago working with those who learn differently. She is an NILD instructor for Level I, Rx for Discovery Writing, Math, and Reading courses, and she contributed to the creation of NILD's Mediating Math Student Workbooks and Rx for Discovery Writing. She is also an FIE practitioner and trainer, training educators to implement Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment (FIE). Currently working on a PhD in Reading, Language, and Literacy at Concordia University in Chicago, Lorri’s passion is uncovering God-given gifts and developing a lifelong love of learning in students.

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