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Featured: Eastern Time

11 Jul 2025 • 8:00am (EDT) • Virtual • $710.00

Registration closes 3 Jul 2025 11:00pm (EDT)

Additional Dates


Students will:

A. Develop an understanding of rational numbers through activities focused on:

  • Problem Solving
  • Fractions
  • Decimals
  • Percents
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Math Vocabulary

B. Develop computational fluency

C. Develop math vocabulary

D. Develop problem-solving strategies

E. Strengthen cognitive functions through targeted intervention activities and specific questioning and feedback

F. Apply SRL strategies to solve mathematic problems

G. Increase in confidence to solve mathematic problems

H. Learn how to effectively work in small groups with others

Upon completion of this course, the participant will:

Acquire an understanding of rational numbers and mathematical fluency:

  • What are rational numbers?
  • Why is understanding them critical for mathematical fluency?
  • What are the other components of mathematical fluency?

Design a plan for group implementation that would meet the learning needs of a specific group of students

Discover the cognitive processes necessary for thinking mathematically

Demonstrate an ability to work with groups of 4-6 students in the teaching of basic mathematical problem-solving skills focusing on rational numbers and computational fluency

Apply the theory of mediated learning while teaching students SRL in mathematics with an emphasis on rational numbers and deepening students’ conceptual understanding of fractions, decimals, and percents

Assess students’ level of self-regulation and determine teaching practices that support students’ SRL development

Required texts (purchase in advance of the workshop and bring with you to training):

  1. Rx 4 Discovery Math II training manual (provided by NILD)
  2. *Developing Mathematical Fluency by Grayson H. Wheatley & George E. Abshire (Purchase this e-book at
  3. Mediated Learning: Teaching, Tasks, and Tools to Unlock Cognitive Potential, 2nd ed, By Mandia Mentis, Marilyn Dunn-Bernstein, and Martene Mentis (available on
  4. *NILD student workbook consumable for Math II (Decimals, Fractions, and Percents)