Product information
Always available • Virtual • $425.00
To purchase the WJ-IV Test of Achievement (available at http://www.riversidepublishing.com) you must have a Bachelor’s degree in an educational field (e.g. education, psychology, speech therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, etc). For more information, contact Riverside Publishing at 630-467-7000 or complete their Test Purchaser Qualification Form at Click HERE. You do not need to purchase the Test prior to taking the workshop and there is no need to bring these materials with you to the training. The above information is for your benefit after you complete the training.
This workshop is designed to provide NILD educational therapists training in administration, scoring and interpretation of the WJ-IV Tests of Achievement and Oral Language. The content focuses on theoretical background, technical overview, basal and ceiling rules, computing raw scores, obtaining estimated and grade-equivalent scores, administration of new tests, using Compuscore and Profiles Program and building examiner competency.
A Bachelor’s degree in an educational field (e.g. education, psychology, speech therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, etc.) is required.
To purchase the WJ-IV Test of Achievement (available at www.riversidepublishing.com) you must have a Bachelor’s degree in an educational field (e.g. education, psychology, speech therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, etc). For more information, contact Riverside Publishing at 630-467-700. You do not need to purchase the Test prior to taking the workshop and there is no need to bring these materials with you to the training. The above information is for your benefit after you complete the training.