Terrilynn Kadle
Courses Completed
- Level I
- Level II
- Level III
- Rx 4 Discovery Math I
- Rx for Discovery Reading: Standard
- Telepractice Training I
Partner With us to Empower Students and Equip Educators
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Bio: I began my NILD journey while teaching at a small parochial school, frustrated by an inability to reach struggling students. It seemed as if nothing I did helped some students improve. An colleague suggested NILD educational therapy. From the first lesson in rhythmic writing, I knew that this was something different and would work for students. Eight years later, my passion for helping students overcome their learning challenges has only grown. The greatest reward is to help students unlock success and discover confidence in school and within themselves.
Bio: Sharon Wright, a Professionally Certified Educational Therapist, has been an NILD Educational Therapist for over 20 years. She holds a master's degree in Special Education with Educational Diagnostician Certification from Texas Woman's University.