Kelli Rivera
Courses Completed
- Level I
- Level II
- Level III
- Telepractice Training I
- Group Educational Therapy (GET)
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Bio: Dr. Donna Weston is founder and executive director of Discovery Therapies, Inc., a non-profit clinical model offering NILD educational therapy and cognitive-educational evaluations.
Bio: Ruth has been involved in education throughout her career. As a parent, Ruth searched for educational support services that provided a holistic approach. She searched for interventions to empower her children to become lifelong, competent, and confident learners. This left her empty-handed and discouraged, unable to find services and supports that were research-based and reliable. Then she discovered the National Institute of Learning Development’s (NILD) Educational Therapy. With a desire to provide what her children needed and seeing the unmet needs of other students, she pursued licensure to assist struggling individuals with research-based best practices, with maximum impact to overcome learning challenges. Her desire to assist her children in their learning transformed into a skill set that many students need. Often, students with learning difficulties and disabilities have to learn to cope with their learning problems for the rest of their lives. However, research now proves that the brain can be retrained, and in many cases, learning difficulties and disabilities can be overcome. Ruth’s greatest desire is for her students to have the opportunity to learn how to learn, to learn without labels or limits, and to empower them through proven and powerful techniques that increase their ability to think and reason, not just in the classroom but in life. She desires that her students not define themselves by what they cannot do but see themselves as individuals with Limitless Learning abilities. Ruth has a Bachelor’s of Education, Health, and Human Sciences from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. She holds a Master's Degree in Social Work from the College of Social Work at the University of Tennessee. Ruth completed her licensure as an Educational Therapist through the National Institute for Learning Development (NILD). The International Dyslexia Association accredits NILD. Throughout her academic career, she pursued education with a focus on counseling, mental health, psychology, case management, and reading education, with advanced study in the areas of Human Behavior, Social Work Research, Evaluation Research, and Advanced Research Methods and Techniques.
Bio: Currently: Program Coordinator at Discovery Therapies, Inc. - Columbia, SC Previous Posts include: Kyiv Christian Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine; Summit Christian Academy, Lee's Summit, MO