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LD Warning Signs Checklist for Children Ages 8+

Learning Differences


Your answers to these ten questions can indicate if your child has potential learning challenges.

  1. Does your child struggle with reading quickly and understanding what he/she has read?
  2. Does your child forget math facts?
  3. Does your child get frustrated and spend an unreasonable amount of time on homework?
  4. Is your child unaware of time?
  5. Does your child have difficulty organizing personal space and time?
  6. Does your child have difficulty focusing?
  7. Does your child have difficulty following three-step directions?
  8. Does your child have difficulty writing legibly?
  9. Does your child have difficulty spelling?
  10. Does your child have difficulty solving problems?

If you answered "Yes" to three or more of these questions, your child may benefit from an educational assessment.

If you are a parent looking for an NILD Educational Therapist or want to get trained yourself, go to s.