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Annual Testing Questions & Answers

Springtime is my favorite season: new growth, warmer east coast weather, and more daylight. But I also enjoy springtime because it marks the season when we measure and reflect on our students’ progress in educational therapy! Now is the time of year to begin annual progress monitoring by conducting annual testing. Kim LeFevre, Wendy Bokmiller, and several NILD instructors often field annual testing questions that come to NILD headquarters. We thought it would be beneficial to share others’ questions and our responses.

NILD Founder

In 1973, while Deborah was giving educational therapy in the basement of her home, Grace was pleading with the administration of Norfolk Christian Schools (NCS) to “do something about these children”.

NILD Educational Therapy® Author

Classroom teaching was frustrating for Deborah, however she felt drawn to those students who struggled to learn. Still searching for answers, she enrolled in a Master’s program for special education, and attempted to convince her professors that stimulation, not easier materials would be a more appropriate approach to teach students with learning challenges. Her professors did not agree.

NILD History

In 2002, following NILD’s 20th anniversary celebration, the Board of Directors approved the development of Discovery Program, Inc., a community-based model to serve students outside private school settings.

Providing Individualized Therapy Through Testing

NILD requires an initial psycho-educational evaluation before students enter NILD Educational Therapy®. This enables the therapist to understand students’ learning strengths and challenges, and skillfully tailor sessions to the specific needs of each student.

Causes and Effects of Learning Disabilities

NILD is research-driven and evidence-based. Research validates NILD educational therapy interventions that have helped students with learning challenges for over 40 years. Every student is unique. NILD’s research-based, individualized approach is unique too.