How to Help Students Who Are Not Good at Remembering Written Words
The presentation will explain orthographic mapping, the process we use to store words in long-term memory for instant, effortless retrieval.
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The presentation will explain orthographic mapping, the process we use to store words in long-term memory for instant, effortless retrieval.
Learn how an 8-year-old found success with the Decodable Readers.
It’s that time of year again. With all that back to school implies, for many of us, it holds the notion of a fresh start. As therapists, we plan sessions and set goals in expectation of great change. We are motivated to try and provide our students with sessions that will impact them profoundly. Many of our students, on the other hand, lack this enthusiasm. They have little to no vision for what can be accomplished during a year well spent.
Do you know any students who take hours to complete a simple assignment that might take other students only 15 or so minutes? Maybe those same students struggle with making decisions quickly, following multi-step instructions, or completing tasks – especially timed tasks.